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Info And Tips To Manage Insecure Code And Security Configurations

Info And Tips To Manage Insecure Code And Security Configurations

Claudia Orecchioni

Protecting your sensitive information is critical in preventing data from being breached or landing in the hands of a competitor. 

Businesses that use Salesforce for critical activities, generally store sensitive data in their CRM environment. But many users could have access to that data, leaving it vulnerable to security risks. 

What is considered sensitive data? And, what are the most frequent risks a Salesforce team should tackle?

In partnership with RevCult, top-rated data governance and security app for Salesforce, we have collected this mission-critical information in a cheatsheet, to learn more about how to secure your sensitive information in Salesforce and why data protection and security are so important for Salesforce customers.

Our technical experts have also added some tips to manage insecure code and security configurations.

Download now your Sensitive Data Cheatsheet

About Clayton

Clayton is the world’s first developer-friendly automated assistant that checks your code with 99% accuracy and 3500x faster than humans, to help you build secure and state-of-the-art apps on Salesforce. Engineer like the world’s best, build with getclayton.com 

About RevCult

RevCult offers the only solution for Salesforce that helps you find and fix your security weaknesses. Enterprise Salesforce customers in Financial Services, Healthcare, and other industries, use our suite of Security Cockpits® to secure sensitive data with Salesforce-native tooling that automates implementation and provides proof of data security configurations, including Platform Encryption. Our product suite includes Cloud Security Cockpit®, to implement, manage, and prove Salesforce security controls, Shield Security Cockpit®, which automates the implementation of Shield Platform Encryption, and Field Audit Trail Cockpit®, the user interface for Field Audit Trail. Learn more at RevCult.com

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