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Securing Salesforce: What Does Good Look Like?

Securing Salesforce: What Does Good Look Like?

Claudia Orecchioni

We have organised a very special event on Salesforce Cybersecurity, with leading panellist from Accenture, AppOmni and Clayton.

We'll be live on June 24th at 4pm BST with:

  • Cameron Cronin, Europe CTO Salesforce, Accenture
  • Brendan O'Connor, CEO & Co-Founder, AppOmni
  • Lorenzo Frattini, CEO & Founder, Clayton
  • Aaron Costello, Leading Offensive Security Engineer, AppOmni

You will learn

  • How companies are approaching Salesforce security post-Covid and common mistakes we see
  • How the ecosystem reacted to the Salesforce Lightning Exploit published in October 2020, and what companies can learn from it (from the author himself)
  • Practical advice from technology leaders to build a robust DevSecOps pipeline

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